
Since I've been learning Python and Java, as well as more php and MySQL related technicalities, I've decided to maintain an ongoing repository of files that I've coded; feel free to use these, on the one condition that attribution is made to myself, as maintained in the comments of each of the code. I make no guarantees as to the functionality or accuracy of the code herein provided.

Coding Coding

By viewing and using the following code you agree never to redistribute it as your own, but to maintain the authorship that is included in each code.

CS63: Artificial Intelligence (Fall 2007)

Missionaries and Cannibals /Python/: download »
The goal of this program is to solve the famous AI problem of missionaries and cannibals. Three missionaries and three cannibals are on one side of the river, along with a boat that can hold one or two people. Find a way to get everyone to the other side of the river, without ever leaving a group of cannibals on one side of the river that are outnumbered by the missionaries (lest they become converted).

A* Search and the Eight Puzzle /Python/: download »
This program involves using A* search to solve the eight puzzle problem. The eight puzzle consists of a three by three board with eight numbered tiles and a blank space. A tile adjacent to the blank space can slide into the space. The object is to figure out the steps needed to get from one configuration of the tiles to another.

Genetic Algorithms /Python/: download »
The objective of the assignment was to implement a basic Genetic Algorithm with fitness-proportionate selection based on roulette-wheel sampling, single-point crossover and bitwise mutation.

Back Propagation /Python/: download »
The backprop algorithm that we needed to develop had to include forward propagating activation, the ability to teach the network a pattern by backward propagating error and to compute error during training. It should also successfully learn the XOR and another example

CS35: Data Structures and Algorithms (Spring 2007)

Flight Simulator /Java/: download »
This program, the hardest that was assigned during the semester, involved managing departure and arrival times for a dozen airports using a flight data sheet spanning several thousand lines. It used graphs extensively.

Image Manipulation /Java/: download »
This program reads in as its argument an image file (jpg or gif) and allows the user to manipulate it through a GUI. Allows for cropping, making negative, enlarging, reducing, flipping, applying grayscale, polarizing, blurring, among other features.

Hash Set /Java/: download »
Builds a hashset with a load factor of 0.8 and prints out the average number of probes per word in a file, the average number of chains per word (traversing the entire array and finding the length of the chain at each array), as well as the length of the longest chain.

Compress and Decompress /Java/: download »
Uses either a Linked List or a Binary heap implementation in addition to Huffman coding in order to compress or decompress files.

Spell Checker /Java/: download »
Checks the spelling of words contained in a file against a predefined dictionary as well as a 'personal' dictionary containing specific words, such as technical terms or names.

Text Analyzer /Java/: download »
Analyzes the words of the document using a binary search tree. The unique words are displayed by word frequency, word context, and word proximity. The words are presented in lexiographic order.

ArrayLists /Java/: download »
A program that analyzes a file input by the user, and displays an output based on the frequency that each name has, the alphabetical order, the rank of initials, or the alphabetical order of initials. Uses ArrayLists and Java's Collections library.

Static Mergesort: /Java/ download »
A program that analyzes a file input by the user, and displays an output based on the frequency that each name has, the alphabetical order, the rank of initials, or the alphabetical order of initials. Uses the compareTo method and mergesort.

Gas Station simulation with n pumps: /Java/ download »
This program is a time-driven simulation that simulates the actions of a gas station with n pumps.

Gas Station simulation: /Java/ download »
This program is a time-driven simulation that simulates the actions of a gas station with two pumps. With a random probability a customer arrives at the station, and if any queue in the station has two customers, it will leave for another station.

World Series: /Java/ download »
Simulates n games of world-series type playoffs, where n, the number of games in a series, and the probability that team A wins is provided by the user.

sIFR Setup: download » (Popular)
A free work-out-of-the-box packet that helps users setup sIFR (Scalable Inman Flash Replacement) without FlashMX and with just three scripts. (Contains 50 free Flash fonts).

PerlBlog: download » (No longer under development)
A Perl-driven weblog script that allows the most flexibility and content management for those who know Perl.